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Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN 9781845504533
  • Author PATON JAMES
  • Pub Date 01/01/2009
The story of the Scottish missionary pioneer John Gibson Paton (18241907). Born in Dumfrieshire, trained at Medical school and spent 10 years....

This book was recommended by Bobby Sneddon as part of the ‘50 Years- 50 People- 50 Books!’ series. Here is Bobby's full message and recommendation:

When were you involved in GLO and in what role?

‘I have been involved with GLO since doing the “Training to Serve” Tilsley College course in 1999. I was subsequently commended in 2001 to plant a church in Johnstone that had closed some years before. I am still involved in the life of Dimity Street Church and its outreach in the community.’

Can you share a significant memory of that time?

‘There were many answers to prayer in those early days. One stands out. My colleague John and I went to speak to the Headteacher of the Primary School nearest the church. She was too busy to talk. We left a letter explaining who we were and if she would like our input at Assemblies. We went back to the car and prayed. As we finished praying the mobile phone rang and the Headteacher of the school said she would be delighted to have our input. So started a relationship that we still have to this day.’

Why have you recommended 'John G. Paton: Missionary to the New Hebrides'?

‘I have chosen ‘John G. Paton: Missionary to the New Hebrides’ by James Paton because it was such an encouraging, challenging and enriching read. It helped me immensely when going through a spiritually barren time.

‘One story in particular stands out. Many were trying to put him off becoming a missionary to the cannibals of the New Hebrides. One elderly Christian gentleman’s argument was always “You will be eaten by Cannibals!” His reply was “Mr Dickson, you are advanced in years now and your own prospect is to be laid in the grave, there to be eaten by worms. If I can but live and die serving and honouring the Lord Jesus, it will make no difference to me whether I am eaten by cannibals or by worms”.

‘His stories of hardship, bravery, miracles, faith and Christlike love and grace in the face of incredible opposition made this an outstanding book for me. It highlighted what it takes to win the lost for Christ and how to endure to the end.’

With great thanks to Bobby for this recommendation for the ‘50 Years- 50 People- 50 Books!’ series

The story of the Scottish missionary pioneer John Gibson Paton (18241907). Born in Dumfrieshire, trained at Medical school and spent 10 years as city missionary in Glasgow and had felt compelled by God to be a missionary in the South sea Islands. This is the account of John G. Paton's pioneering mission work among cannibals in the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu). Living among constant dangers and death threats, battling against illness and enduring great perosnal loss and sacrifice, John G. Paton laboured on and showed great love for the island peoples. He had the joy eventually seeing people come to Christ and living a totally transformed lifestyle.