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Small Print

Please note that there continues to be significant supply difficulties with certain products in the light of current world circumstances. If the item(s) you are interested in are required urgently, we would be grateful if you could advise us of this by contacting the shop directly. You can phone us on (+44) 1698 275343 during normal UK business hours for advice or email us at [email protected].
If you wish to make a general donation to the work of The GLO Bookshop, or the wider mission work of GLO Europe, we have the facility to accept payments via PayPal. This is particularly useful for our overseas customers. Our PayPal account is listed under the email address '[email protected]' and will show the name - Andrew Lacey. Simply enter our details and then enter the amount you wish to pay. It would be helpful if you could also send us an email to let us know how the amount you are paying should be allocated.
While this is very quick and convenient, one issue we find with payment via PayPal is that the fees they deduct from your payment are significant. Should you wish to add a bit extra (we suggest 5%) to your payment to cover these PayPal fees, this would be much appreciated.

A note about our prices. We try to give our customers excellent value, and you will find some great bargains on our website! You should be aware, though, that we normally retail at the Publishers Recommended Prices. In this way, we are able to return a signficant proportion of the price you pay to our wider ministry of sharing the Good News of Jesus througout Europe by our resident mission teams. By selling at the Publisher Recommended Price, we also give a fair deal to authors and publishers. You may be able to find your items cheaper elsewhere! But by purchasing from us, there are many others who will eventually benefit and you will also be supporting a Gospel ministry in our local communty.
#ShopLocal #SupportLocal #ChooseBookshops #ChooseChristianBookshops
Given that the Internet is a highly competitive environment, we operate a standard 5% discount on Publishers Recommended Prices 'Retail Price/Our Price'. Where customers would prefer to phone, email or call into the shop with their order, we're happy to match the website 'Our Price' with 5% discount- please ask for this discount.

We work in a highly competitive and fast-moving marketplace, and on occasions special prices may be offered on the website that are not advertised instore, or vice versa. Similarly, as a partner in other internet sales communities, there may be prices offered by us on these communities which are different. We are happy to operate a 'Price Match' on such items, and where this is pointed out to us, we would endeavour to give you the best price from the various structures we have operating. The main exception to this is Special Prices that we offer from time to time to our local Partnership churches- please ask for details of these promotions.
We regret we are not able to offer a general 'Price Match' to external websites or other retailers. However, please let us know if you are interested in purchasing from us and you have found your item significantly less expensive elsewhere. We will always investigate any significant price discrepancies pointed out to us. It may be that we haven't yet picked up on a promotion available from a publisher than we can take advantage of and we would be delighted to offer this to you if we are able to do so.

All prices on our website are believed to be correct, obvious errors and omissions excluded. However, sometimes stock may need to be purchased to complete your order from another supplier at a different price. We will always attempt to absorb any increase, or to pass on any decrease. However, should a price increase on your order be necessary for any reason, we would let you know before completing the sale and you will be able to cancel your order at that point. If any UK based taxes are applicable (normally VAT), these will be included in the price shown on our website. Your receipt will show a dissection with the total amount of tax collected on behalf of HMRC. For overseas orders, any tax payable in the receiving country is the responsibility of the customer to pay. We do not accept any liability for items which are not delivered as a result of non-payment of overseas taxes.

Request for discounts for full time Christian Workers or Church Partnership arrangements should be indicated in the 'Order Notes' box. When this has been verified, we will then adjust the amount to be charged to your credit card by the appropriate amount.
In most cases, reduced prices shown are 'genuine reductions' in that the item will have been on sale in our store, or in other similar stores, for at least 28 days in the preceding six months, and will return to the Publishers Price at the conclusion of the promotion or when clearance stock has been sold through.
We do take advantages of offers and clearance stock from our various suppliers and in some situations the item may not have been on sale within our store at the Publishers Recommended Price. In these cases, the Publishers Recommended Price (Retail Price/'Was' Price instore) shown will be sourced from various industry databases or notified by the supplier. On some occasions, we are able to source stock from various 'Private' suppliers at clearance prices. In these cases, a notional Publisher Price may be set based the perceived 'top-value' of the item and the 'Our Price' shown reflects a reduction from this.
Unfortunately, our website is not flexible enough to indicate all these various permutations, and we apologise for this. Where a customer has a specific query about the pricing history of an item, they are welcome to contact us and we can advise on this.

We always attempt to comply with the The Consumer Protection (Code of Practice for Traders on Price Indications) Approval Order 2005

We fully understand that there are concerns with regard to the internet and other channels of sales leading us to offer goods to customers in areas where there are already perfectly adequate Christian Bookshops. We make clear that we would always want customers to support their LOCAL Christian bookshop wherever possible.If you click 'HERE', you will be taken to a national register of Christian Bookshops. However, where there are difficulties either with finding a suitable local Bookshop, or your Bookshop does not offer the facilities that you need, then we are happy to help.

We value your privacy. The information you entered on this web site is securely processed through our server host company, Realex, and we do not have access to your card details when an order is placed on our website. We do NOT share this information with any other company.

Please be assured that we do not engage in the practice of sending junk e-mail (Spam mail), nor will we give or sell your e-mail address to anyone else.

For further information please refer to our Data Privacy Policy.

1. Once an order has been placed we will confirm the details by email. If you require further confirmation, please indicate this in the 'Further comments' box.

2. GLO Trust Scotland has the right to cancel any order and give you a full refund if
- You provide us with false information or details.
- If your mail server returns our confirmation email and we are unable to make further contact with you.

We do this is to protect you and ourselves from fraud and to create a safe and secure environment to shop in.

We endeavour to ensure that only items which are currently available are displayed for sale on this web site. We regularly check and update this information based on publishers & distributors current stock levels. However, sometimes items go 'Out of Print' or become unavailable before we have a chance to update our stock records. Therefore, please note that display on our website is not a guarantee we can supply the item. Items on display are not always held in stock, and may need to be ordered from distributors. If the item(s) are urgently required, please indicate this in the 'Order Notes' field, or alternatively contact us by phone to check the current availability status. Should there be a delay of more than five working days providing any part of your order, or if items cannot now be sourced, we would notify you as soon as possible to ensure this time scale will meet your requirements. If this is not suitable, an alternative will be offered or the order can be cancelled. We do not debit your card until the stock is ready to leave the shop.

We may change the appearance or remove anything from our website at anytime. We do everything possible to ensure our website information is completely accurate, but mistakes can happen. If you find something you believe to be an error, we would be grateful if you point this using the Contact Us page. However, we will not be responsible for any errors on this website. Products, prices and images subject to change at any time without notice.

We aim to serve everyone we have contact with at The GLO Bookshop with courtesy, dignity and respect. We are grateful for the custom and support of individual Christians, church fellowships and the local community of Motherwell over the four decades we have been trading at the GLO Centre. We will protect your personal information at all times in line with our Privacy Policy and any relevant legislation.

We aim to be Scotland’s Leading Independent Christian Resource Centre and to this end, we stock books and other resources that are written from many different viewpoints and have different denominational backgrounds. Exploring The GLO Bookshop or our website will find the Christian faith expressed in many different ways. We trust that all items will honour the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of the world.

Stocking an item instore or listing it one our website should not be taken as endorsement of any particular product or the views expressed in that product, either by GLO as an organisation, or by any of our staff. At times, we will make recommendations for a particular product or author. This may be on the grounds of a special price or particular interest, rather than an endorsement by GLO as an organisation or any of our staff of everything that the author has written or said. A very few items may be stocked or listed on our website because we feel there might be a specific interest in the subject or the author. These titles may not be published by a 'Christian publisher', or the content may reflect values that we would not agree with. Where this is the case, we will include a brief disclaimer on the web-page, indicating why we have listed the item on our website.

When we are making decisions about products to stock, we will seek to ensure our products reflect mainstream Trinitarian Christian doctrine, as typified in the Apostles Creed. As an evangelical Christian organisation, we understand that Truth is important and, in Biblical matters of doctrine, absolute. The publishers we work with tend to reflect this position. On occasions, a decision may be taken to avoid stocking or supplying an item which we feel would express views that run counter to our beliefs. Likewise, a decision may be taken not to provide our services where doing so might be seen to endorse views which would compromise the stance of our own organisation on doctrinal or practical matters.

It is not possible to read or personally review every item that is brought into stock or shown on our website. Within the wide range of items that we stock we accept that there may be some items or views expressed which not all Christians may agree with and we would ask for your understanding of this. Where a customer feels there is a fundamental incompatibility between the values and ethos of our organisation and the values ‘expressed’ by a particular item, they are welcome to draw this to our attention, in whatever way is most convenient and we will consider those views. We would always respond to the customer with some explanation, and, if appropriate, we would take steps to withdraw that item from sale.

We thank you for your interest in reading this information, and trust that God will bless you as a result of your support of The GLO Bookshop and the wider work of GLO Europe.