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Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN 9780955305153
  • Pub Date 01/05/2024
The book is an urgent call to mission. It helps us to understand our European home. It faces up to the realities of life in Europe today, the political and cultural context, and..encourages us to reflect on the challenges of sharing the Gospel...

Stephen McQuoid's Recommendation

This is a book that I wrote along with my friend Neil Summerton to mark GLO Europe’s 50th anniversary. Entitled Europe at the Spiritual Crossroads, this book is designed to help the reader understand the spiritual crisis that is currently engulfing Europe and to encourage mission interest in this important and influential part of the world. The first 4 chapters are a bit of a social and religious history which explain why Europe currently takes the shape that it does. Then there is a tour around Europe that looks at the spiritual needs that exist and provides data on every European country. The second half of the book looks at how to reach Europe with the gospel and emphasizes that Europe is one of the great mission priorities of our generation. If you are interested in the evangelisation of Europe this book is for you.
Recommended by Stephen in June 2024

Europe in its widest form is being transformed by cultural shifts, demographic changes, and national turmoil. The certainties and confidence of the late twentieth century have vanished. Spiritually, the vast majority of Europeans have turned from even nominal Christian affiliation, and many are now agnostic, atheist or Muslim, or simply say that they have no religion. So the spiritual need is real: for comparison, proportionately, there are five times more evangelical Christians in Africa as in wider Europe.

But there remains a unique opportunity for the Good News of Jesus and this book explores why and how.The book is an urgent call to mission. It helps us to understand our European home. It faces up to the realities of life in Europe today, the political and cultural context, and the range of worldviews that are held. It encourages us to reflect on the challenges of sharing the gospel and how we can best meet them. It is about how we bring real hope to European society today.

Reviewed by Jonathan Lamb
'It is deeply troubling that today’s Europe is fast becoming a neglected mission field. But you can’t miss the urgent enthusiasm of the authors that today is a moment of unique opportunity in Europe, and their conviction that engagement in the gospel task is possible for every believer.'
Formerly, IFES Regional Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, and Director of Langham Preaching

'Here is an exceptionally helpful, desperately needed introduction to how history influences the current spiritual climate of Europe and how Europe is to be reached for Christ. I am passionate about the expansion of the Kingdom of God in Europe, and I warmly encourage you to dive into, and be challenged by, this fascinating book.'
Executive Director, Quo Vadis Institute, Salzburg, Austria

STEPHEN MCQUOID is General Director of GLO Europe, and was formerly Principal of GLO’s Tilsley College. He travels widely, in mission, preaching and lecturing, and writes extensively to encourage Christian life, work and practice.

NEIL SUMMERTON was a career UK government official, and then an academic and non-executive director, while all the time being closely engaged in church leadership. He has written widely on public policy, environmental and military ethics, history, and church life and practice.

Published : GLO Publishing May 2024
Language : English
Paperback : 192 pages
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