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KIDS BIBLE TRIVIA: An Interactive Quiz for 6-10-Year-Olds PB

Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN 9781636093604
  • Author KENT PAUL
  • Pub Date 01/01/2002
The Bible is anything but trivial. . . yet trivia quizzes are a great way to get kids interested in scripture's deeper truths. Here's a fun and fascinating book offering twenty, six-question quizzes for 6-10-year-olds. Each quiz starts easy...
The Bible is anything but trivial. . . yet trivia quizzes are a great way to get kids interested in scripture's deeper truths. Here's a fun and fascinating book offering twenty, six-question quizzes for 6-10-year-olds. Each quiz starts easy, with questions from the most familiar stories, then gets progressively harder.
Inside, you'll find questions on stories like:
- Noah's flood
- The Little Tax Collector Zacchaeus
- Jesus and Lazarus
- The Wise Men
- Moses and the Red Sea and dozens of others

How well do you know the Bible? Find out here!
If you get stuck, 'Bible Bonuses' provide help.
You can 'Double Your Chances' by learning two of the wrong answers, or 'Look in the Book' with a reference to the answer in God's Word.
And each question is accompanied by an intriguing "Did You Know?" that adds to the fun.

Publisher: Barbour Kidz (1 Mar. 2023)
Language: English
Paperback: 256 pages