Perfect for ten-minute reading times for independent readers and shared reading, these ten Bible stories are retold from the perspective of characters witnessing the events of a Bible story...
Have you ever wondered how the universe began, what the point of life might be, or whether God likes science? Then this is the book for you! 101 Great Big Questions asked by children with fascinating responses from leading experts in the areas of...
Pack your walking sandals, your shekels, and your phrase book and take a step back in time! The year is 50 AD and Galilee is THE place to be. This handy guide will show you the must-sees, the history, the bargain buys, and more....
'Wherever I go, I meet many children (and adults), who love getting involved in the telling of stories. Active participation is at the heart of this Act-Along Bible!'
Based on Genesis 1, cosy up with your baby to share the warmth and comfort of being made in the likeness of God, reaffirming how beautiful they are to you and God. This is one of a series of delightful books by storyteller Bob Hartman based on biblic
Wanted: keen young detective! Examine the evidence, character files, locations, interviews with witnesses, sift through the clues and decide for yourself who are the heroes, who are the villains, and what REALLY happened…