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PRESSURE OFF: Learning to embrace the gift of God’s grace PB

Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN 9780281087693
  • Pub Date 01/01/2023
Publisher FORM
Having it all together is a myth. Thank God, His grace is real - and it's time to take the pressure off. Every day we are bombarded with messages that tell us we have to be productive, powerful, perfect. And the Church is no exception...
Having it all together is a myth. Thank God, His grace is real - and it's time to take the pressure off.
Every day we are bombarded with messages that tell us we have to be productive, powerful, perfect. And the Church is no exception.
The Good News of Jesus says that we are saved by grace but for Monique Thomas the gravity of this message didn't sink in until over six years after she first became a Christian. Throughout her time at Bible college, she soon learnt that much of what she had learnt from church culture simply added an extra layer of pressure to that already placed on her by society: do more, strive more, be more.
This book is for every person who desperately needs to understand the real Gospel: God has grace for us in our mess, not just in the moments we get out of it.

Publisher: Form (7 Sept. 2023) Language: English Paperback: 160 pages