Celery Brown is not the sort of girl who hides in her wardrobe dreaming of secret worlds. But then she meets Ivy. Ivy claims she’s been to heaven. Not just once but many times. Is she lying? Or crazy? Or could it possibly be true? Join Celery as she
Despite her best efforts, Livi Starling will probably never make the history books. Her life is far too ordinary. Unless you count her talent for animal noises, her inability to tell the truth, her insatiable desire for a mother, or the fact...
She may have said ‘a little prayer to Jesus,’ but Livi Starling really isn’t sure she’s cut out for the Christian life. For a start, she can’t stop lying. For another, she’s bitterly angry with her father and horrified when Ruby suggests she ought...
How can God possibly know what it’s like to be a teenage girl? Can Livi Starling truly trust him with all of her life? Even the really tricky bits like dating boys and dealing with nasty new girls and whether her mother is in Heaven?...
Despite being a Christian for almost three years, Livi Starling is convinced she’s missing something. Surely the life of a radical believer ought to be a little less ordinary? Where’s all the power the Early Church seemed to walk in?...