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REMAKING THE WORLD: How 1776 Created the Post-Christian West HB

  • ISBN 9781433580536
  • Pub Date 05/09/2023
Publisher Crossway Books
How 7 Transformational Events in 1776 Paved the Way for Today’s Post-Christian West. With dizzying social transformations in everything from gender to social justice, it may seem like there’s never been a more tumultuous period in history...
How 7 Transformational Events in 1776 Paved the Way for Today’s Post-Christian West

With dizzying social transformations in everything from gender to social justice, it may seem like there’s never been a more tumultuous period in history. But a single year in the late 18th century saw a number of influential transformations-or even revolutions-that changed the social trajectory of the Western world. By understanding how those events influenced today’s cultural landscape, Christians can more effectively bear witness to God’s truth in a post-Christian age.

In Remaking the World, Andrew Wilson highlights 7 major developments from the year 1776-globalization, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the Great Enrichment, the American Revolution, the rise of post-Christianity, and the dawn of Romanticism-and explains their relevance to social changes happening today. Carefully examining key documents and historical figures, Wilson demonstrates how a monumental number of political, philosophical, economic, and industrial changes in the year of America’s founding shaped the modern West into a “WEIRDER” society: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic, Ex-Christian, and Romantic. This thoroughly researched yet accessible book offers a unique historical perspective on modern views of family, government, religion, and morality-giving Christians the historical lens they need to understand today’s post-Christian trends and respond accordingly.

Relevant Cultural and Historical Analysis: Skillfully connects key ideas and events from the past to the present
Comprehensive: Examines important developments from 1776, including the American Revolution, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; James Watt’s steam engine; Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations; and Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
Informative: Covers key historical figures, including John Adams, Edmund Burke, and David Hume
Biblical: Equips and encourages readers to share the gospel in a post-Christian world
A Great Resource for Pastors, Scholars, and Readers of Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

Publisher: Crossway (5 Sept. 2023)
Language: English
Hardcover: 384 pages

Stephen's Review

Remaking the World by Andrew Wilsonan is an outstanding book . This author is better known for his works on theology and pastoral ministry, but in this book he tries to argue that the modern west was essentially created in the year 1776. That was because seven great developments arose from that year which were: 1. Globalisation 2. The Enlightenment 3. The Industrial Revolution 4. The great Enrichment 5. The American Revolution 6. The rise of Post-Christianity and 7. The dawn of Romanticism. His useful way on helping us to remember these details is the acronym WEIRDER (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, Democratic, Ex-Christian, Romantic). His argument is that the end result of the machinations of 1776 is that today, those of us who live in the West are all of these things.

As he unpacks these developments, he takes us through a detailed history of civilisation to show how different components conspired to enable the West to take shape. Wilson’s breadth of knowledge of history, culture and philosophy is very impressive, and the reader quickly gets the impression that he wants to squeeze every bit of his extensive reading and reflection into this book making it very dense, yet readable and immensely enjoyable. He finishes the book by arguing that the West desperately needs Christianity to liberate it from cultural bondage and that grace in particular is Christianity’s most striking feature. He also asks and answers some questions including: What challenges and opportunities emerge from Westernization or Romanticism or Industrialization, and what should we do about them? How should Christians act in an Ex-Christian culture? What does faithful Christianity look like in the shadow of 1776? How did believers in this turbulent and transformative era respond to what was happening around them?