In this urgent, thought-provoking book, Bjorn Lomborg presents the 12 most efficient solutions for the world's poorest and our global SDG promises. If you want to make the world better, Best Things First is the book to read...
Climate change is a confusing and polarizing issue. It may also prove to be the most daunting challenge of this century because children, the elderly, and the poor will be the first to feel its effects. The issue is all over the news, but what is sel
A series of Bible passages unpacked to show the Bible’s relevance to environmentalism, and how we can all play our part in limiting the negative effects of climate change. The climate crisis is one of the most important issues of our time...
Environmental sustainability is a major issue for us all. In this extensively updated edition, Martin and Margot Hodson consider eight of the key current environmental problems, giving the biblical basis for looking after the environment...
Science and the Bible; something of a rant against apocalyptic Christian interpretations of climate change while avoiding wondrous panaceas and ineffectual nagging of readers to cut waste...
Climate Church, Climate World argues that climate change is the greatest moral challenge humanity has ever faced; it multiplies all forms of global social injustice: hunger, refugees, poverty, inequality, deadly viruses, war. Environmental leader...
Find out how a Nottingham foodbank became a community of hope and discover why this model of developing social action can bring the kingdom of God to people today. Christian-led social action ministries make a huge contribution to society...
The obvious damage that human beings are inflicting on the created world as well as the growing scientific consensus that humankind is contributing measurably to the potentially devastating effects of global warming have thrust the 'environment' to t