A call to an authentic life with Jesus Christ! Many churches today are overwhelmingly populated by women and children, to the point where some men see church as a foreign land. This is perhaps surprising as jesus began Christianity by choosing...
Christians regularly face hard questions - at work, in college, in university and at home. They come from colleagues, friends and children who want to know if we have good answers to current problems. Can we defend our beliefs? The problems cover
The book is an urgent call to mission. It helps us to understand our European home. It faces up to the realities of life in Europe today, the political and cultural context, and..encourages us to reflect on the challenges of sharing the Gospel...
'There is one part of the created order that seems more glorious than all the rest, and that is the human race', writes Dr Stephen McQuoid. 'Human beings – the very pinnacle of creation and image bearers of God...
People involved in church life expect to be cared for, practically, emotionally and spiritually. Even the secular world sees churches as places of practical and emotional care, a component in the social capital that all societies need.....
Excellent NEW resource from GLO, putting together the insights and wisdom from the Tilsley College 'Learning to Lead' course. CD-ROM also available - Please see below for discounts on bulk orders, and FREE CD Roms!
Excellent NEW resource from GLO, putting together the insights and wisdom from the Tilsley College 'Learning to Lead' course. CD-ROM also available - Please see below for discounts on bulk orders, and FREE CD Roms!
This book has been written with the simple aim of helping self-taught amateur preachers, and novice preachers, to improve. And those who have had some preaching training, whether at Bible school or in other ways, will find it helpful as a refresher
Many would agree that the greatest challenge facing ordinary churches and ordinary Christians in western society today is how to spread the gospel and how to ensure that on a daily basis people are professing Christ for the first time....